Author: admin

CMS Official: Final Medicaid Managed Care Rule Expected This Fall

The senior counselor to CMS Administrator Seema Verma on Tuesday (Feb. 26) touted the agency’s proposed changes to the Medicaid managed care rule and told stakeholders they can expect the final rule to be out this fall. CMS is reviewing the 275 comments it received on the proposed rule, which the agency released in November. The rule seeks to modify the landmark Medicaid managed care regulations adopted by the Obama administration in 2016.
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Hospice workers find peace in helping patients find comfort at the end of life

It is 7:30 on a summer morning in a room overlooking the slate-gray, lapping waters of Lake Erie. Ten or so people, some just arriving at work, some finishing a night shift, sit silently on benches and in armchairs below stained-glass windows. A plump golden retriever named Linus, a therapy dog, wanders from one person to another, gratefully accepting their caresses.
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What the Hospitals of the Future Look Like

The days of the hospital as we know it may be numbered. In a shift away from their traditional inpatient facilities, health-care providers are investing in outpatient clinics, same-day surgery centers, free-standing emergency rooms and microhospitals, which offer as few as eight beds for overnight stays. They are setting up programs that monitor people 24/7 in their own homes. And they are turning to digital technology to treat and keep tabs on patients remotely from a high-tech hub.
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